~~~I do believe there's no such thing as bad writing—it's all a work in progress waiting for the write expression.~~~

Saturday, June 4, 2011

History in the making!!!

This is huge!!! Alex Linnell is going to be the first person to paddle board the entire Mississippi!! And how am I connected to this awesome event? His mother, Jean, is my friend at work, so I'm living it all through her. Are you kidding, it's a huge undertaking!!! The Red Cross is involved as major supporter because they are using it a fund raiser for the flood victims.

But what I think is really cajun is the GPS tracking system they're using on his website. It's from findmespot.com and he's got this little gizmo with 2 buttons. When he presses the green button, this dot appears on the map of his exact location from the satellite relay, so you can track his progress all the way down. I guess it's called a "check in". The other one is the red "panic button". Pressing that one will immediately dispatch the nearest search & rescue team to his aid--much to the relief of his family and friends.

This is the link to the map: Where is Alex now?

And this is the main website:  www.alexlinnell.com

He left June 1st and they estimate it will take 2-3 months. It's huge! Ah yes, to be young and adventurous...

(No panic buttons, GPS trackers, or the Red Cross were harmed during the production of the post. Alex referenced with permission, of course.)

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